The Austin Area Sustainability Indicators (A2SI) aims to measure quality of life, sustainability trends, and serve as the foundation for a systems approach that addresses challenges in Central Texas. By measuring and reporting on indicators within nine indicator themes, we strive to make the Austin Area a better place to live.
Explore the Indicators

Climate and Community Resilience
A set of indicators to assess the risks that certain climate-related hazards pose, how those risks are spatially and socially distributed, and how households, neighborhoods and cities can build resilience.

Civic Engagement
Individual and collective actions designed to identify and address issues of public concern

Indicators in this section include: population growth, density, distribution, housing composition and occupancy, age and ethnicity cohort populations and projects.

Education and Children
Education is a key driver of sustainability, both for individuals and for regions. Individuals benefit from education in a variety of ways, including higher productivity, higher wages, better health outcomes, and less need for publicly funded economic assistance.

Key economic indicators include: income, diversity of the economy, labor, exports, and entrepreneurship.

Some key indicators for this section include: water consumption and water quality; energy use; air quality; solid waste disposal and recycling; hazardous waste; and regional air quality and climate change.

The health section identifies critical trends in the health and well-being of Austin area residents.

Land Use & Mobility
Key indicators include: density of development; rural land and public open space; commuting and congestion; and public transit.

Public Safety
Public safety indicators, such as crime rates, have important social and economic implications for the development of communities and regions.

A2SI publishes reports on sustainability in Austin. The reports collectively examine various aspects of resilience and community well-being in Austin. They focus on climate vulnerability, economic segregation, social capital, and civic health, highlighting efforts by local nonprofits and public agencies to improve these areas. The reports blend qualitative research, narratives, and data to provide a comprehensive view of the challenges and initiatives aimed at making Austin more resilient and equitable.